Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Want to study to be a equine massage therapist?

Day in the life of an equine massage therapist? How much do you earn approx.Want to study to be a equine massage therapist?
You need to get an education about horse anatomy to be an effective massage therapist for horses. I apprenticed with a massage therapist for a few months in college and it was not easy work. It generally requires that you be on your feet for hours at a time with horses who don't necessarily want to be massaged. Some horses are fine while others can cause injury to themselves or to you. You need to know about horse movement as well and how to interpret owner's stories about their horse being in pain.

A good massage therapist might make $50-$70 a horse but they have to do a head to tail evaluation and massage to get that kind of money. Owners also need to be able to see results in ease of movement and/or their horse's attitude.Want to study to be a equine massage therapist?
I myself am not a massage therapist, but I know one and it isn't a huge glamourous job. The pay isn't any more than a vet gets, and the schedule is pretty busy, as most clients have a routine every few weeks and every day treatment in the days before a horse show. I get the idea it's a lot like a farrier's job, except massaing instead of triming hooves.
No enough. Get a real job, with real salary, real benefits, like health insurance, and a real retirement package. Do this horse bit as a hobby. If you have the smarts, so back to school. The horse biz will have you working for nothing for 80 years of your life, scratching by...... and nothing to show for it.... go around any barn... grooms and stuff like what you are talking about are used up by 45, hurt all over, taking bute for pain, hadayadadyddayday.
I spent $1500 taking a week long course on this. This was the biggest ripoff ever. It was fashionable to do for a little while and now noone does it much anymore. Why? Because once most people see it done, they figure they can do themselves and save $100. It is nothing complex or hard to learn and there are a ton of books on the subject. If you want to learn to benefit your own horses, great. If you want to do it for a living, you could starve to death.

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